Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 2010

Next Meeting
Tuesday February 9, 2010
Brainstorming on S.A.M.
Curriculum & Video Night

Milanese Italian Restaurant

115 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, NY
(845) 471-9533
Time: 7:30 PM

President's Words


Between ads for the superbowl and the olympics, I think I've hit my quota for exposure to inspirational athlete's. I've often wondered if things would've been different if I could kick, catch, hit, or throw a ball. I hope somewhere there's a quarterback or shortstop that sees a commercial for a David Blaine special and thinks, "man, imagine my life if I could only nail that faro-shuffle". Well, I can... and I can do it 8 times in a row... take that Mr. "I can run fast with a ball"!

I found last month's meeting to be quite refreshing, I often like the jam sessions just as much, if not more, than lectures. There were a few gems we learned last month, and Ed's newspaper trick was worth the trip alone.

This month I'd like to continue with the "jam session" thread (don't worry, we still have lecturers booked in the next few months) and also discuss a topic I brought up at the last meeting. So, we'll devote a portion of the meeting to a miniature video night, feel free to bring some dvd's or email us suggestions. More importantly, I'd like to spend time brainstorming on the S.A.M. curriculum. As many of you know from last month's meeting, I've put an item in front of the S.A.M. national officers to work out a curriculum for us to follow. Rather than go at it alone, I'd like to work out some of the details to present to the board with the members of our assembly. I think it'll be a good project for the club to work on as a group, and a good way to not only make sure we're moving forward, but to try to help the other assemblies move forward as well.

See you then,

This Month's Meeting Info

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday February 9, 2010
Event: Brainstorming on S.A.M.
Curriculum & Video Night
Place: Milanese Restaurant
115 Main St

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 471-9533
Time: 7:30 PM

Our beloved President has once again forged ahead into uncharted waters, fearlessly....... As some of you may know, from last month's meeting, the subject of a S.A.M. Curriculum was brought up. Ah...those that were not there may be asking themselves, "What is a S.A.M. Curriculum and where does this unbounded Presidential bravery come from?" Well that answer and many more, will be given at this month's meeting. So, plan on attending and see exactly what we are talking about! Derrin may also explain, how the S.A.M. National President Mike Miller and several other nationally know magicians, may get involved.

It should be a fun night, with videos to round out the evening. So, plan to attend and support this ground breaking effort being brought to the national council by Assembly #35.

Also, please remember if you would like to bring an interesting or original video that you think the club would enjoy seeing, please make sure it is on DVD or other Digital format (such as "thumb" drive or CD....no video tapes please).

Carl Ballantine, an inveterate quipmeister whose stand-up comedy persona, an incompetent magician known as the Amazing Ballantine or Ballantine the Great, predated and influenced the antic characters of Steve Martin and others, died on Nov. 3 at his home in Hollywood. He was 92.

Eric DeCamps receiving the Dean's Eternal Spirit Award on September 11th in New York City when he was sworn in as the new Dean of the Society Of American Magicians' Parent Assembly. Also pictured are Tom Klem and Sal Perrotta.